Child Custody Attorney
Serving Chester County, Delaware County,
and Montgomery County

There are few issues in family law that are as sensitive and important as the custody of children. At Shoemaker Family Law we are zealous advocates for parents and work tirelessly to ensure that the best interests of children are met when parents separate or need to modify an existing order.

Different types of custody in Pennsylvania

Legal custody is the decision making power that is often, but not always, shared between the parties.  Examples of legal custody decisions include but are not limited to educational decisions, medical treatment and religious upbringing.

Physical custody dictates where the children will reside and the amount of time  they will reside with each parent.  There are a number of different legal terms that family law attorneys utilize when discussing physical custody.

Primary physical custody refers to where one parent has the child/ren greater than 50% of the time  and is the primary parent to care for the child/children’s day to day needs (more than half of the time).

Shared physical custody refers to  the parties equally share  the child/ren in their home and co-handle the children’s day to day needs.
Partial physical custody refers to the parent who has the child/ren for less than half of the time.
Sole physical custody refers to a situation where only one parent has the children.

Supervised physical custody is a parent whose custodial periods are to be supervised by a third party supervisor.

Factors in Custody

The court has to analyze 16 factors in determining the type of custody  appropriate and what provisions in the  order shall apply.  In advocating for your custody matter, our firm will ensure that the court understands why your position is supported by the law and is in the “best interests of the children.” These interests remain the principle by which all custody matters are measured.


Situations can change for better or worse, custody orders are therefore modifiable.  Potts, Shoemaker, and Grossman will guide you through the analysis so you can determine whether or not to file for a petition to modify custody and what changes to request from the court if you decide to do so.


Emergency Custody Matters

Unfortunately, situations arise when a parent must seek urgent relief from the court to protect their child from the other parent out of concern for safety over drugs, alcohol or other potentially harmful  concerns.  The attorneys at Potts, Shoemaker, and Grossman guide you  through such situations and determine if your case is appropriate for emergent relief from the court and how to best expedite your case.


Grandparent/Caregiver Custody

Pennsylvania law gives Grandparent and Caregiver rights to a child under certain situations.  The attorneys at Potts, Shoemaker, and Grossman have extensive experience securing both Grandparents and Caregivers custody rights and will advise you of your rights.



Occasionally a parent may seek the court’s intervention in relocating from their county/current residence.  Relocation does not apply to every move, but it does apply to certain ones that affect the custody rights of the non-relocating parents.  Potts, Shoemaker, and Grossman will guide you through the specific legal requirements and advocate for you in any relocation matters that may arise.

If you have questions regarding child custody or are in need of a child custody attorney in Chester County, Delaware County, or Montgomery County PA, please contact us to schedule a consultation: